Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Campaign Is Narrowing Focus? Says Who?

We are still months away from the first primary, yet there is all this talk of focusing on "top candidates" or "two-man" races. Certainly there are a lot of bad things about such a long and early campaign cycle, but one clear benefit is that there is more time to get out information about little known candidates and more time to expose little understood candidates. Only a short campaign cycle would allow Giuliani to be painted as a conservative. And yet we are being fed insinuations from the MSM and elsewhere that the campaign is narrowing down. Here is an egregious example from Pajamas Media and their failed online Presidential poll.

For months now, many readers have been complaining to us about the increasing inutility of the poll because of vote-swarming by second tier candidates. Many voters have lost interest and are not participating. Websites that had run our widget were no longer doing so.

Something needed to change.

Therefore, especially since the campaign itself appears to be narrowing its focus to front-running candidates, henceforth the Pajamas Media Poll will be restricted to those first tier candidates listed on the front poll page of the leading online poll aggregator Real Clear Politics.

So while "top tier" candidates like McCain are faltering, while Ron Paul is surging - none of this matters because the campaign itself is narrowing its focus. Never mind that every person who has given money, voted in an online poll (including at PJM), gotten off their behind and voted in a straw poll completely disagrees. Sorry PJM, the media can't just wish undesirables away.

The problem with phone polling is that all you have to do to participate is answer your phone. Forget what PJM and other political websites say - the only polls that matter are at the primaries and the caucuses. You actually have to leave your house to make your voice heard, and it looks like Paul's people are very willing to do that.

This party is just getting started.

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