Sunday, October 21, 2007

Drugs for Cholesterol-Clogged, Impotent Voters

It's stunning: every commercial break I've seen so far on Fox News this evening has been inundated with drug commercials, mostly for heart medicine and whatnot, but now for Cialis. Oh, and vitamin supplements too. And foodstuffs that are advertised as drugs: some kind of fake butter without real nourishing delicious fat and cholesterol. Man, I hate this stuff. It's Huckabeeworld, where everyone if fat, impotent, statist, and treats religion as a twelve-step program, to be administered by the compassionator-in-chief. Aaargh!

I think I'm going to start smoking. I want to live in a free country, where cigarettes can be advertised on TV.


Anonymous said...

Lol, what kind of commercial break you expect?

Anonymous said...

can I get my cholesterol drugs online as I Buy Cialis too?