Sunday, October 21, 2007

Now's the Time to Text R5 to 36288

Paul is still winning, but the Huck, who is possibly the worst of all the candidates, is catching up -- he's at 24 percent to Paul's 32.

Huck is the worst because he represents a virulent new form of soft socialism, one that appeals to many mush-brained evangelicals. Giuliani and the others are old fascist types whose limits are well-defined. But there's no telling what the health-nut Huck might try to do using government power.


Steve said...

My wife and I both did already. It was so sad to see someone get booed for saying we should talk and trade with other countries. The audiences at the last several debates have not been nearly so statist (or rude). Is Florida that much different or was the audience stacked? If I were a betting man, I'd say the latter.

Ben Osborne said...

I just tried doing that. I got this reply:

"Sorry, you texted 'r5'", which we didn't understand. Please check the spelling and try again, or reply HELP for more info."

Daniel McCarthy said...

I wonder if it has to be a capital "R"? That, or perhaps the voting has now closed.

Not that I would completely rule out skulduggery...

mickrussom said...

"Sorry, you texted 'r5'", which we didn't understand. Please check the spelling and try again, or reply HELP for more info."

ColeTrain said...

I got through with no problems.

Anonymous said...

I live in AR and suffered through the iron-fist rule of Tax-hike Mike (as he is fondly known here).

Huck has already said he wants to deliver a federal ban on smoking just like the fiat he issued in AR. He will undoubtedly begin banning the use of fat in all diets nationwide. He is the Richard Simmons of politics and not afraid to impose his will on all of us. You heard him "We must change the health of the American people (meaning that no one would even need insurance then, I guess). Huck would be your man if you want every bite you take to be watched and regulated.

What we never hear from any news agency is that Huck has a lawsuit against him here in AR for destroying all the hard drives in the state-owned computers in the Capitol. It was his last nose-thumbing at us. Cost several thousands of dollars to destroy evidence. If I were to try that, they would put me UNDER the jail.

He had the drives erased then crushed....WHAT could have been on those drives??? So, he has a "Chenyesque" streak in that he feels it is OK to destroy evidence when it suits him.

There would be nothing funny about Huck as president!!!